Colchester IBD centre – team comes together to improve patient care

The Colchester IBD centre is getting together to hold a medical meeting on 20th September 2018. The meeting will be held at the hospital’s state of the art ICENI training centre. The IBD teams from both the Colchester and Ipswich sites will get together to hear...

Can you help Ben and Christian help CCUK?

Ben Smyth and Christian Frogner are doing the Great South Run to raise money for CCUK. Please visit their justgiving pages at and at Read their stories below Ben’s...

Infusion chairs bring relaxation to patients

A generous donation of four Infusion Chairs within Gainsborough Clinics at Colchester Hospital was made on 31 August by the North East Essex Crohns & Colitis Association. The chairs are designed for relaxation and will benefit a large number of patients being...

CCUK North Essex Meeting

CCUK North Essex group are holding their next meeting on Tuesday 4th September 2018 at 8pm at The Albert Beefeater Pub, Cowdray Avenue, CO1 1UT. Everyone is welcome to attend this informal meeting which brings together people going through similar experiences with...